Each day a new beginning...
“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6 I have always loved this scripture; it always encourages me that God has not given up on me. In this text Apostle Paul was encouraging the new converts to Christianity of Philippi; letting them know that as they grew in the knowledge of their new faith, even though he, Paul may not be there, God would surely be there for them to continue the work in them. Some days, I need to read that over and over again! If you dare to listen to the news or look at one of the many reality shows on TV, it shows just how this society has fallen way below the expectations that God has for us. Isaiah 5:20 clearly states “Woe unto those that call evil good and good evil”…yet we see all the forms of media promoting sex and vulgarity and people, parents allowing it to flow freely to our younger generation, and in most cases encouraging it. I look a...