True Fellowship...
"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12:15 It has been a while since I have posted on this blog, but it was not because I was not learning anything. In fact I think I was learning so much that I got overwhelmed and when that happens I have to take a breather to "digest" what I have learned about God's character and what I have discovered about me. I prayed many years ago to always have a "teachable spirit". That no matter how old, experienced or wise that I thought I was, I would always be willing to learn from whomever God put in my path to enlighten me. Now does that mean I look for every spiritual or mystical person or thing that cross my path to have a "word" from God for me? Heaven's sake No! But I knew that as I submitted myself to God with a willingness to learn, then His love would never lead me down the wrong path; as long as I discerned and obeyed His leading. Have I ever missed the ...