The Gown
Yesterday I woke up with so much energy that before I even brushed my teeth I attacked my closets. About twice a year I go through the house and gather things that I have not used or worn in 2 years or less and I pack them up and off they go to a charitable organization. I pounced on my closet and though some things were hard to let go, I knew that if I had not worn it in a while I probably would not do so in the future so out it went. As I was re-checking, my eye caught something sparkling way back in the recesses of the closet. In all honesty I knew what it was; it was a sequined formal gown. I removed the clear plastic covering and saw that it was still beautiful, dark periwinkle blue with silver sequins…lovely. I calculated that it had been hanging there for over 15 years unused. It was outdated of course with the shoulder pads, but still lovely. Of course I tried to reason keeping it; after all, I paid good money for it and who knows I c...