Spring around the House...

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Front doors
Dining room

Front porch



Stephanie said…
Hello Veronica! It's so good to stop by for a visit - it's been way too long.

Your home looks so charming and perfect for Spring. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week!

Hugs to you!
Anonymous said…
Hi Veronica! I'm so sorry I missed this lovely post! I think I was 'packing' at the time! Thank you so much for popping in to see me and your sweet encouragement - always. I'm so thrilled for you in your next move. Our God does want the best for us and when we seek His guidance, He's gonna direct us. One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11 - "for I know the plans I have for you..." and that's all I need to know that He is in charge of me! God bless you and you know I do wish you the best in every way. Sending sister in Christ hugs!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

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