This is the day...
"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalms 118:24 We quote that scripture all the time but the whole chapter of Psalms 118 is very encouraging. It is believed to have been written by David who had now finally become King after many trials and battles. He shares how he has overcome through hardships because God's "...mercy endures forever..." As I read each line it is filled with exuberance and gratefulness that only comes with experience. He had experienced time and time again hardships yes, but he also experienced the merciful hand of God that rescued him through each trial. There is something about knowing who you really are that puts you in a position to know God better. On the contrary of what some teach, that we must realize how royal and mighty we are on our own; I believe that we must see how truly unworthy we are, but so loved by a Worthy God. David knew this...he realized that he was just a shepherd with lot...