Shine, Shine...
"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together. I sought Yahuah (God), and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces were not ashamed!" Psalms 34:3-5
Every morning when I go out to tend to my pansies and violas on the porch, I always notice that their "faces" have gravitated to the source of light...the sun. God has placed in their plant "DNA" to always turn to there source of light, which we know is the major part of their survival and growth. Just thinking of the precious people that I know that are going trough trials , some they have been going through for years...and yet...those people that I speak of, have chosen that no matter how rough it is, or how weary and tired they get in the process, they have chosen to press on and to ALWAYS turn their faces to their source of strength, peace and survival...the Light, Yahuah (God).
I was telling someone close to me how in spite of their personal trial, their face and countenance is glowing, there is a radiance, a new beauty. Just as gold is purified and comes out more precious after going through the refiner's fire; so it seems that when we choose to ALWAYS turn to our source of Light, Yahuah (God) we seem to shine...regardless of the situation.
A sad example would be my neighbor several years back who had fallen on hard times after the passing of her husband. Many people including myself tried very hard to comfort and be of help to her. She rallied for a bit but soon fell back into her sorrows and began to even refuse any further help. Sadly, she a woman in her late 50's, was found dead in her bed at home. There could have been many causes of her death, but what I remember was her sad, forlorn face. She had decided at some point to not turn her face to her source of Light and instead she gave, so sad.
I am reminded of in the book of Exodus 34:29-32, where it is written of how Moses' face shone so brightly when he came down from the mountain after receiving the commandments from Yahuah (God). It is written that Moses' face was shining so bright that he had to cover it with a veil. It is believed that the shining was a result of Moses' being in the presence of the Almighty Yahuah (God). Moses had gone up the mountain to get help, to receive from His Source what was needed for him and the doing so, by turning to the Light, he glowed with Yah's radiance!
Turn to Him today. I know that there are many that are going through some very tough times right now. When I read the posts, hear the news, have conversation, I "hear" the pain, the agony and suffering that many are going through. Turn your face to Him and let Him shine on you...let His radiance shine forth from your face and have rest, peace and comfort for your soul.
Every morning when I go out to tend to my pansies and violas on the porch, I always notice that their "faces" have gravitated to the source of light...the sun. God has placed in their plant "DNA" to always turn to there source of light, which we know is the major part of their survival and growth. Just thinking of the precious people that I know that are going trough trials , some they have been going through for years...and yet...those people that I speak of, have chosen that no matter how rough it is, or how weary and tired they get in the process, they have chosen to press on and to ALWAYS turn their faces to their source of strength, peace and survival...the Light, Yahuah (God).
I was telling someone close to me how in spite of their personal trial, their face and countenance is glowing, there is a radiance, a new beauty. Just as gold is purified and comes out more precious after going through the refiner's fire; so it seems that when we choose to ALWAYS turn to our source of Light, Yahuah (God) we seem to shine...regardless of the situation.
A sad example would be my neighbor several years back who had fallen on hard times after the passing of her husband. Many people including myself tried very hard to comfort and be of help to her. She rallied for a bit but soon fell back into her sorrows and began to even refuse any further help. Sadly, she a woman in her late 50's, was found dead in her bed at home. There could have been many causes of her death, but what I remember was her sad, forlorn face. She had decided at some point to not turn her face to her source of Light and instead she gave, so sad.
I am reminded of in the book of Exodus 34:29-32, where it is written of how Moses' face shone so brightly when he came down from the mountain after receiving the commandments from Yahuah (God). It is written that Moses' face was shining so bright that he had to cover it with a veil. It is believed that the shining was a result of Moses' being in the presence of the Almighty Yahuah (God). Moses had gone up the mountain to get help, to receive from His Source what was needed for him and the doing so, by turning to the Light, he glowed with Yah's radiance!
Turn to Him today. I know that there are many that are going through some very tough times right now. When I read the posts, hear the news, have conversation, I "hear" the pain, the agony and suffering that many are going through. Turn your face to Him and let Him shine on you...let His radiance shine forth from your face and have rest, peace and comfort for your soul.
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Mariam Baurice