Thank You Lord for Another New Year!
Many are desperately looking forward to this year ending and a new one beginning, but actually in God's Eyes, a day is a day. The Creator of the universe... the One who always was, always is and always will be, created time only for us. He sees the whole "picture" from beginning to end and He tells us to rejoice...rejoice for THIS day! Why? Because He made it...for us! You may feel you have absolutely nothing to rejoice about today...but think about it, if you're able to realize that it is a new day, then that means that you are still here and the possibilities are enormously hopeful !
There are many that are having crisis in their lives and much prayer is needed. Praying for someone does not mean that you try to take on the burden of what they are going through at the time, but it means that as we pray we release them to God the Father to heal, help, provide and protect them. When we try to carry our and others burdens, are we really trusting God? God help us to rejoice in You, the author and finisher of our faith.
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24