Are you Looking or Seeking?

“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13

Seeking…looking…what’s the difference?  According to, the word “Look” means to turn your eyes towards something or to turn in some direction in order to see [a person, place or thing.] also states that the word “seek” means to go in search or to be in quest for a certain person, place or thing.

There are many scriptures in the Bible referring to and using the word “seek” when talking about God, not many about “looking” for God.  This made me begin to ponder the difference.  One example that stands out in my memory is the account about David, a shepherd at the time, and Saul who was made King.  Saul who had all the external attributes to be King was “looking” for that position, but David on the other hand just a young shepherd that spent most of his time out in the fields and hills watching sheep and praising God was “seeking” for God’s will in his life. As the story goes (I and II Kings Old Testament) King Saul was proven not to be such a good choice, while David who was really God’s choice was so busy out praising and seeking God, the prophet had to actually go and seek him out.  Acts 13:22 reminds us, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’ 

 God chose a “man after His own heart”…a man David, not perfect by any means, but one who knew the difference between “looking” and  “seeking”.  We will all make mistakes and have trials as we walk this journey of life, but if we continually have a heart that seeks after God’s guidance, forgiveness, direction etc., etc.  Then we will somehow manage to always get back on track.  David was no foreigner when it came to making mistakes, but he always came back to God to seek His will, His forgiveness (Psalms 51).

I believe that when we “look” for God, we are only using our eyes, our physical abilities to satisfy a longing within all of us to know a “Higher Power” if you will.  All creation is looking for the Creator, whether they acknowledge it or not.  I think the animal and plant kingdom are ahead of us in that they KNOW who their provider is and go about doing just what they were created to do.  We humans on the other hand go all around the mulberry bush before we finally surrender that there HAS to be someone bigger than us!

There are many people LOOKING, but are they really seeking?  When they have the limelight, they say thanks to God for winning this or that but their lifestyles beg to differ.  Being “Spiritual” is now a popular and pet phrase but are you looking or seeking after the one True God.

You can look for something [turn to, in the direction of in order to see] and never partake of it; but when you seek…you search, and go to what you are seeking.  And it’s not just with your eyes, but you seek with your heart.

That helps to explain to me why a lot of celebrities, look for God and acknowledge Him on occasion, but live their lives in a way that is not pleasing to Him.  Because when you truly seek God, it may cost you something, He may ask you to put away some things that are not good for you and not pleasing to Him.  That may be hard for some to do.  In my own life I have to question myself daily, “Am I seeking Him and His will?”

Most of us know the story of Samson that can be read in the Book of Judges, chapters 13 through 16.  Samson’s conception and birth was a miracle, he was born for a purpose and that was to defeat the enemies of God’s people.  However as Samson grew he got his eyes off his purpose and he no longer sought after God and His will.  In the process, he was tricked by the very enemy he was ordained to defeat, lost his hair where in there was a covenant with God for His strength and also lost his eyesight.  But when Samson was in a place of surrender, he once again began to “seek” God and in this prayer you can hear his heart…”Then Samson prayed to the LORD, “Sovereign LORD, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Judges 16:28

When Samson began to once again seek the Lord, his purpose was fulfilled and though he sacrificed his life in the process, it proves that it is never too late to seek God.  Samson is listed in what is called the “Hall of Faith”, Hebrews, chapter 11… he is remembered as a hero.

God is looking for seekers “The LORD looks down from heaven  on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, anyone who seek God. “ Psalms 14:2  

If you seek him, you WILL find Him, He’s waiting, waiting for us. Waiting for us to stop merely looking for a good life, when He wants to give us an abundant life; looking for an escape, when He wants to deliver us within; looking for the easy way out when He want us to be victor over the situation.  Help ME Lord to seek you more…this is my prayer…

“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You; In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.”  Psalms 63:1


BILLYZ_VI4 said…
Ronnie, Great Post
I Believe That God Is Drawing All Men To Himself, As Jesus Says In John Chapter 12 Verse 32. His Drawing Us Creates A Desire In Our Hearts To Seek And Understand Who We Are, What We Are Supposed To Do, And Where We Are Going. Some Heed The Drawing Sooner Than Others, Some Heed It Later. The Good News Is Revealed To Those That Seek For It And Ask God To Reveal It To Them. Our Seeking Is IOn Direct Union With His Drawing Us. We Understand What He Wants Us To Understand At Any One Point In Time. He Gives The Revelation Of Certain Things To Those That Can Handle "THE TRUTH". It Is All God's Grace And Mercy Being Played Out Before Our Very Eyes. No Man Is Better Than Another Man In His Eyes, But Some Hear And Follow His Leading, That He Truly Does Direct Our Paths (Proverbs Chapter 3 Verse 5-6). We Have To Listen And Follow His Leading And Peace About Doing Something, Going Somewhere, Or Any Decision We Make.
Thank God Jesus Is The Merciful Shepherd, Who Will Leave The Ninety Nine To Go After Even One Lost Sheep. He Is Drawing And Seeking, We Are Looking And Waiting. In The End God Will Be All In All Of All His Sheep (1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Verse 28).
The Plan Of The Ages Fulfilled Because He Was Seeking And Drawing Us From The Very First Moment We Were Born. HOW HAPPY & JOYOUS WE WILL BE WHEN HE WIPES AWAY ALL OUR TEARS, AND CLOTHES US WITH IMMORTALITY !!!!!!
Sue said…
Everytime that you comment on one of my posts, you always have such uplifting words for me. I appreciate it so much. Thank you for all of your prayers
KathyB. said…
Amen Sister, so true and well -said. I love reading the Old Testament and the story of David somehow always comforted me knowing a man such as he was , full of so may flaws, was indeed a man after God's own heart because of his heart for God.

God is so good.

BTW, I am enjoying perusing your blog, thank-you for leaving a comment on mine so I could find yours.
Lisa said…
Today I needed inspiration, not for decorating or crafting, which is usually what I'm looking for on here, but spiritual inspiration and I found it on your blog. Thank you.

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