This ol' World

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

You know what? There are some evil acting people in this old world. Some nasty acting people! And I must admit sometimes I’ve had it up to here (hand over my head) with these folks. As a Christian I know that I am to love unconditionally like it says in Corinthians 13, but I confess I don’t always hit it.

I recently was around some people that were continually instigating and prodding me to say bad things about other people. (I did not) They on the other hand were constantly gossiping and running folks down just as easily as you talk about the weather. I know that I am in this world and am a realist, but I was beginning to feel “ugly” and “nasty” being in this atmosphere.

It grieved me to see first hand just how evil and cruel the world can be. And of how I can be if I am not careful to follow the guiding of the Holy Spirit each day. The scripture above in context is about when Israel was asking what they could do to get back into God’s “graces”. They as a nation had been through a terrible time of persecution and you name it. And this is the answer, a very simple answer I might add. 1) Do justly, what is right, 2) to love mercy and kindness 3) and to humble yourself before the Lord. It sounds simple, but not always easy. But it is so necessary.

Being in that atmosphere made my flesh want to respond and not for the good either. But this scripture kept ringing in my heart, in fact it was a song that we used to sing years ago. I must do what is right, have kindness and mercy and humble myself before the Lord. After all He orders our steps and I was there for a reason. I may never know the reason, but He does and that’s good enough for me.

Lord help me to continue to be a light…


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