Autumn Thoughts...

“Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalms 37:4

There is nothing better than a very relaxing day, doing what you really enjoy doing. The older I get the more I am learning how to just relax and let those times just happen. Yesterday was one of those days.

After checking out the prices of replacing my double storm doors; I decided that it would be better for my pocketbook if I just slap on a couple of layers of paint and put on some new hardware. And Voila! I must say my front entrance look fabulous! (That is if you don’t look too hard and see the drops of paint that missed the doors). So with “new” doors, it was time to decorate. Decorating for each season is my most favorite thing to do, other than eating a Hershey’s Special dark chocolate bar, but that’s a whole other subject.

Since I am in decorating mode, I might as well make it an event so I start a big pot of Vegetable beef soup in the crock pot; nothing like soup to warm up a chilly, rainy day. While the soup is simmering, I drag out my box of autumn decorations from the garage. Has it really been a whole year since I stored this box, my how time flies! When I open the box I am delighted to see the ceramic pumpkins, silk fall leaves and mums, they are like old friends welcoming me to a new season, my favorite one by the way. And this year I have two new friends, Mr. & Mrs. Scarecrow! I usually don’t decorate with Scarecrows but I adopted this “couple “while on a trip last fall to Virginia to visit my sister. She and I went to a grocery store and right at the front entrance was a shopping cart filled with scarecrows at 75% off! Now you know I cannot pass up a bargain, so we grabbed a few and they have been in my garage for almost a year now awaiting their entrance into society. So they (one male and one female scarecrow) have the honored position of their very own corner on my front porch with a large orange mum in between. I must admit they do look kind of cute standing there. A fall wreath on each door and pillows with a leaf motif in each chair and it’s done! I would love to use real pumpkins and Indian corn in my decorating outside but I’ve learned my lesson; the pumpkins rot really fast in the sun and the squirrels have a feast with the corn, totally disgusting. I have bad memories of sagging, smelly pumpkins and Indian corn with missing kernels!
But with what I have used, I stand back and admire my handiwork and it looks pretty good. I can smell the soup so I know it is time to go in and stir.

Within the next 2 hours I have decorated the foyer, an area in the kitchen and made arrangements for the kitchen and dining room tables. I’m actually tired, but enjoyed every minute of it! Those are the kind of days that I thank God for. Someone else may think it’s crazy to spend that much time and energy in something that someone else may not even notice. But it makes me happy and that is my satisfaction. To spend a peaceful day decorating for my most favorite time of the year with a pot of soup simmering in the crock pot on a chilly, rainy day, in the words of Martha Stewart “That’s a good thing.”


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