Happy Mother's Day!

What a wonderful honor it is to be a mother, to think that God would entrust us to carry and give birth to His creations. And what an honor it was to have my mother. I miss her...even though I had her for almost 77 years, to me it was still not enough time. Not enough time to hug her, to share with her during our Saturday morning phone talks, to laugh with her. But I believe that she was ready to go home, home to be with the Lord and with my Dad that had passed a little over a year before. So when I begin to get sad I have to remind myself that she and my Dad are "Together forever in the presence of the Lord", which is engraved in their shared memorial headstone.

It's ashame that we don't realize sometimes totally how blessed we are to have a good mother until we actually become one ourselves. Because then we can see and experience the sacrifices, the pain and most importantly the joy that our mothers went through for us. How many times have I heard mothers say "there is no pain like childbirth pain" and yet that pain becomes just a memory when you see the look of love in their eyes for their children. And if it meant going through it again to bring another child in the world, they would do it.

Unfortunatly in today's society some people see motherhood as an inconvenience, hence the high abortion rate. But on the other hand you have women that will go to any lengths to have a baby, some well into their forties.

With the desire to be a mother, no matter how much money it takes, or how many painful procedures they have to endure, woman have forged ahead and will not stop until absolutely every option has been tried. And there are women that will adopt a baby no matter the race, color or physical disablity, because of that desire to nurture, to be a mother.

It is truly a blessing to be a mother and to have had a wonderful, loving mother. She instilled in me so many good things that I will treasure forever. I looked in the mirror a while ago and thought "I'm becoming my mother!" As I get older, I have more of her gestures and mannerisms, even talk like her. While there are comedians that make a joke about this, I count it an honor. I thank God that SHE thought it an honor to be a mother and presevered, despite my teenage shenanigans, to fulfill that role. So that I would have the tools I needed to be a good wife and mother. She fulfilled her purpose here on earth and I pray that I will someday do the same. Thanks Mom

P.S. To all you mothers out there that feel sometimes like you haven't done your best and sometimes feel like you want to just throw in the towel, remember none of us are perfect. God has given you this privelege, so pick up that torch and keep on running. Even if tears and snot are flying, run on! God WILL help you to be a good mother.


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