Bloom Where You're Planted

“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” Philippians 4:11-13

I am sure we have all heard “Bloom where you’re planted”. Well to me this morning it related to my Mums on my front porch that I was watering at the time. They are so pretty in full bloom, in spite of the conditions…cold outside…restrained and contained in a pot, dry and without water (sorry…I did water them though), they get no real attention like my houseplants…and yet there they were this morning just blooming away.

It reminded me of us, sometimes we may not have the ideal situations: don’t like our jobs, don’t get along with relatives or associates, your money may be funny, age is creeping up on you, etc. There are a million and one reasons to feel that this is not your season to “bloom”. But take a tip from Mr. (or Ms.) Mum, “Yeah it’s cold outside, I wish my roots weren’t so bound up like this and on top of that my owner forgot to water me and I’m awfully thirsty right now, BUT GOD has given me THIS day to be here and I’m going to fulfill to the best of my ability the purpose that He has ordained me be!” (Use your imagination, of course a Mum can’t talk but I’m just sayin’) But the results…pretty flowers that I delight in.

We can be a delight for others and please God at the same time, by appreciating the season we may be in. It may not be perfect or even comfortable, but we’re here, He knows all about it, so make the best of it. It takes so much more energy and strength to complain and whine than it does to “shine”. Okay… I just made a catchy phrase”Don’t WHINE…SHINE.” That’s my motto for today…that’s right TODAY,God knows I'm a work in process, I take only one day at a time remember? Work with me here…LOL

This is your season no matter the state you find yourself in. And you will be there until the next season comes around and there will be other seasons…but bloom now, shine now and give God the glory!


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