“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.”
Psalms 19:1-3

“PEACE”…that word can be seen all over my house, I mean literally. On a garden stake in my yard, in big bold wooden letters on top of my computer desk…as a reminder to me that is what I need every day. My days of major drama are over, while others think that it is exciting to witness an argument, or any human event that causes the adrenalin to flow…not me! I guess to be honest, after having many years of anxiety, nervousness and fear (I’m being real) during my late husband’s illness and passing, I seek peace. Peace in my mind, spirit and soul. Sweet peace, that passes all understanding.

But there are times when even though I can’t help but see the word on the garden stake as I’m walking up the steps to my front porch or in strategic places in my home, I can still lose ‘sight” of peace in my soul. It was that way this morning on my way to work. In my mind I was going over and over the things I have to get done. I was feeling overwhelmed by my responsibilities as a widow. “Let’s see… do this…do that.” I could feel my body trying to catch up with my racing mind (I hate that feeling). “I need your peace Lord.” I silently prayed. And in the midst of this unrest and anxiety I looked up and saw the most beautiful sky, blue-gray clouds shimmering with gold and pink as the sun was making its grand appearance. It made me desire to stop, pull over on the side of the road, get out, bow my knees and thank God for such a beautiful sight that I was able to see!

The beauty of His firmament spoke peace to me in its beauty! It spoke to me that He is with me and will never leave me. He was saying to me “Look on Me, not on your circumstances, for my heavens declare My Glory!” And the words of this old song came to my heart:
“Peace, peace wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above,
Sweep over my spirit forever I pray,
In fathomless billows of love!”

God’s peace is priceless; He gives us His peace, even in the midst of a storm. After seeing that beautiful sight this morning, my peace has returned. And I learned that it is not in just seeing the word, but it is surrendering to His love and assurance that He is in control. That He can cause the heavens to shimmer with pink and gold with the sun’s rising…”speaking” of His existence in this world that sometimes feel that it has gone awry and tries to take me with it! I don’t have to ride the waves of anxiety that this world offers daily, but I can look around me and see the beauty of God’s hand and let Him speak PEACE to my heart.


CatMom said…
Oh Veronica....what a wonderful post you've written, sweet friend. And what an amazing testimony you are as you rely on Jesus for that true PEACE - - that we can only get from HIM!!! ~ Hugs from Georgia, Patti Jo
Veronica said…
Thanks Patti Jo!
Hugs to you too!
Bonnie said…
Veronica, Not sure how you found me but I am glad. I love your sweet and pure heart for God. I will be following your blog and know I will receive a blessing. I have today.

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