Each day a new beginning...

“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6

I have always loved this scripture; it always encourages me that God has not given up on me.  In this text Apostle Paul was encouraging the new converts to Christianity of Philippi; letting them know that as they grew in the knowledge of their new faith, even though he, Paul may not be there, God would surely be there for them to continue the work in them.

Some days, I need to read that over and over again! If you dare to listen to the news or look at one of the many reality shows on TV, it shows just how this society has fallen way below the expectations that God has for us. Isaiah 5:20 clearly states “Woe unto those that call evil good and good evil”…yet we see all the forms of media promoting sex and vulgarity and people, parents  allowing it to flow freely to our younger generation, and in most cases encouraging it.

I look at today’s society and am overwhelmed with the mess.  Where do we start Lord? How do we clean this up!  I feel sometimes it’s like standing in one of those homes on the TV show “Hoarders” and all you have in your hand is a measly little broom!

Young people are killing themselves and each other, parents killing their children and children killing their parents, it is enough to make you sick to your stomach. It was one of these times that I was feeling terribly overwhelmed that the Lord spoke to my heart. First of all I in my own strength can’t do anything to change the world, but I can help by letting His light shine and affecting one person at a time.

In all honesty, I am not perfect.  There!  Now you all know J so how can I affect anyone positively? By being transparent about myself, my shortcomings, but also letting people know that though I am not perfect, I love and serve a Perfect God in whom I have entrusted my life.  I trust Him to finish that good work that He has started in me.  Though I blow it most days, I still know to whom to go to get back on track.  I don’t give up…I can’t give up. There are so many that need to know and hear this.  With all the mess that is going on in this world, there is still hope, hope that God can change anyone; no matter what the situation. Romans 8:28 says “For we know that all things work together for the good of those that love God those that are called according to His purpose.” There is nothing that is too hard for God…the key is surrender, we must surrender it to Him. But you must be willing…

Each day is a new day, a gift from God so that we can start all over again, another chance to get it right. As we give our lives to Him, He has promised to finish the good work He has started in us… will you trust Him today…


Susan said…
Hi Veronica...

It's true that the world is in a mess. The newspaper is filled with so many negative things. But we know that by putting our lives in the hands of the Lord, all can be turned to good.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for commenting, too! Loved having you stop by. Sincerely, Susan
Each day is new and we get to start over....How fabulous is that?? Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment!

Hi Veronica,
Thank you so very much for visiting me and leaving such a kind note. Its a pleasure meeting you.
Yes in deed things are changing all around us. I guess my biggest thing is that many of the 20-30 year old's do not believe in marriage, they have babies together and do not feel it necessary to get married.
Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

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