2013 Restore joy!

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit." Psalms 51:10-12

Many years ago at the age of 26, I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Oh what a change came over me!  The blinders came off my eyes and for the first time I experienced what real joy is.  Over the years I have been involved in ministries in church as well as living this Christan life each day no matter where I went.  God has blessed me in so many ways, kept me through the pain and storms of life, been my True friend and confidant; and my healer when I've been sick.

He was there when I had emergency brain surgery to repair an aneurysm that had leaked while I was singing at a Philadelphia Church back in 1994. He was there when less than 2 years later I had another major surgery. He was there when my dear brother passed after many years of  sickness.  He was there when my sweet Dad left this earth.  He was there when my sweet daughter-in-law's parents passed.  He was there when my sweet Mama died.  And He was there when my precious husband went to his heavenly home.  I can name many other times, because he is ALWAYS with me. All these years I have never felt forsaken or forgotten by Him.  He is so faithful.  Sometimes the pain can be great, but underneath is His everlasting arms to hold me tight.  When I have wanted to fall apart, He held me together, promising me unconditional love and hope.

Has it been perfect? No way!  In spite of all His faithfulness, I have failed Him many times. I have had many pity parties, temper tantrums and anxious fits...but He patiently waits until I can see clearly again and realize that I am NEVER alone.

Everytime I "rehearse" how good God has been to me, the verses above come to mind.  "Create in me a CLEAN heart O God..." "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation!"  I need you Lord, I need You to keep me on point, because you know that deep inside I want to please You.  And while you are keeping me, Restore the joy in me...Life can sometimes take the edge off joy, the hard times can try to neutralize all the positives...so I need You to rekindle the joy of knowing that I have a wonderful Friend in You and You want the very best for me.

This year 2013 Restore the joy dear Lord...I need You!


Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Veronica! Oh, I loved your post and say a big hearty "Amen!" Aren't we so thankful for a God who loves us in spite of ourselves. And grace...I so grateful for His grace.
Here's wishing you the most blessed 2013!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Lovey said…
Lovely post...and thank you!!

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