The Gown

Yesterday I woke up with so much energy that before I even brushed my teeth I attacked my closets.  About twice a year I go through the house and gather things that I have not used or worn in 2 years or less and I pack them up and off they go to a charitable organization.
I pounced on my closet and though some things were hard to let go, I knew that if I had not worn it in a while I probably would not do so in the future so out it went.  As I was re-checking, my eye caught something sparkling way back in the recesses of the closet.  In all honesty I knew what it was; it was a sequined formal gown.  I removed the clear plastic covering and saw that it was still beautiful, dark periwinkle blue with silver sequins…lovely.  I calculated that it had been hanging there for over 15 years unused. It was outdated of course with the shoulder pads, but still lovely.

Of course I tried to reason keeping it; after all, I paid good money for it and who knows I could have the shoulder pads removed  and it will be good as new, because you never know when I may need a blue and silver sequined gown at the last moment to wear…WHERE?  WAKE UP Sweet pea you’re dreamin’ !
When I finally settled down and allowed God to speak to my heart, I began to see what that gown “represented” to me.  Years ago I was a part of the cast of a musical play that is very well known in this area. I was soloist for a couple of the songs in this play.  I wore this gown for the finale solo, it was a dynamic scene, with special props and lighting. The gown sparkled under the lighting as the glorious Heaven scene was being portrayed on stage.  What a great season in my life to be a part of that.  But just as seasons change, it was time to let go.

The gown represented a very good time in my life.  It was a time of recognition, accolades, compliments and of gratitude that I was a part of something where God was touching the lives of many people. It represented something good, but it was time to move on to the next season.
Through my life’s journey it has been a monumental time of growing up!  I often chuckle how sometimes God uses things that we think are negatives to motivate a positive outcome.  For instance gone are the accolades, compliments and recognition, but in its place are confidence, character and assurance in God and of who He is. I admit it, I had a lot of growing up to do and in the process I have lost some things and especially some people very precious to me, but through it all I have a clearer image of Jesus and His precious love for me. I am no longer in the limelight, but I desire to continually be in His light, the Son’s light. I am like my dog Bruno who is always looking for a sunny spot on the carpet so that he can bathe in its warmth.  I pray that I always search and yearn for His light, so that I can bathe in His Truth, Love and yes warmth.
So…letting go…even it is was a good thing, even if it represents a great time, when it’s time to move on, you gotta let go.  I’m sure we have all heard the analogy of a person holding something so tightly in their hand until God Himself cannot open it to pour in something fantastic!  We cannot fully experience and enjoy what He has for us until we let go and trust Him to fill that spot with what He wants for us…now.

Well, after I admired the gown for a few more minutes, inspecting the sequins and even smiling to myself as I remembered the good times…I covered it back up and placed it with the other things to be taken away. No tears, no regrets, just thankfulness for a faithful God who directs our paths that takes us from season to season.

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”  Isaiah 43:19




Barbara F. said…
Oh Veronica, this post really spoke to me. I have been down in the dumps this past week, I don't deal well with change. I needed to hear this. xo (I also got rid of a beautiful back beaded gown, one of the most expensive dresses I have worn, when I moved and downsized. I wore it for my 50th birthday. And have not had one occasion to wear it again. lol)
Kim@Snug Harbor said…
Working on my faith and trusting completely in God is a daily work in progress for me. Thanks for the post.
Thank you Veronica, I needed this post. I have been putting off clearing out my wardrobe for a long time, some of my clothes must be 20 years old. It is hard to let go of the items that bring back good memories. So maybe I will bite the bullet and get on with it in the next few days.


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