We need God

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

We need God. In this world I don't see how anyone can think that they do not. Unfortunately sometimes it takes a trial to realize that without Him we are really helpless and hopeless.

In August 1994, I was at a church in Philadelphia singing as a guest. Shortly after sitting down in my seat next to my husband I suffered a brain aneurysm. What followed was a great trial for me and my family, but through it all God proved Himself totally in control as we in our helplessness allowed Him to take control.  There were times during this trial that I have no memory of, but there were times when I was
conscious, that I distinctly remember God's work at hand. After they rushed me to the ER in the first hospital I remember coming awake in an X-ray room propped up in a sitting position and strapped to a gurney. I remember thinking "God I am totally relying on You to help me, I cannot move and have no control." Then there was the time right before they took me in to prep me for brain surgery and I said to God silently " I'm in Your Hands" and as I closed my eyes I "saw" four large angels surrounding my gurney, wings outstretched and touching, surrounding me. As they rolled me into the Operating room the scripture "For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways." (Psalms 91:11) settled in my spirit and mind. I was physically helpless, totally out of control and God showed me that He is still in charge.   

So many miraculous things happened. And I am eternally grateful for the many brothers and sisters in
Christ that prayed for me. God used so many to uplift and encourage me and my husband. During a time of prayer my husband said he felt God speak to his heart that I would be "unhindered" when I came through this. And indeed I was, within 10 days I walked out of the hospital free of any after or side effects and the only medication given was the routine pain meds which I did not need. God showed us in so many ways how when we are helpless and even at times hopeless, He will take us up.

I have had many people share how they had loved ones that did not make it after having an aneurysm, and I am so sorry when I hear this. I don't always understand why things happen, but I do know this, God is no respecter of persons and shows no favoritism, and things we may not understand here on this earth, we will one day understand. Even in my own personal life, I do not understand totally why the Lord allowed my precious husband to succumb to his illness, several years later. But I have hope, for you see without hope we cannot have the faith to believe that God is in control and that we will never be disappointed as we trust in Him. Trusting that one day we will see clearly and until then He will give us "...joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

We need Him, we cannot truly make it without Him.  God in His mercy allow us to think that we are in control of our lives...we may think we are succeeding, but actually it is Him and His unconditional love at work.  And my friend He is patiently waiting, waiting for us to turn to Him and invite Him in. To invite Him into our crazy world, our messes, our turmoil and yes even our issues that we think can never be fixed.  We try so hard to work it out by ourselves...aren't you tired?  God says "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Let Him give you rest, let Him give you peace, let Him give you hope...we need Him.

On another note:
 With HOPE that the spring weather will be soon to come, I've add some spring touches around the house
Living room

Foyer dresser

Bunny planter

Door basket

And Introducing Buster my new pup



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