Worry is for the Birds...not really..

“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" Matthew 6:25-27

Several years ago, I read a book entitled "Personality Plus" by Florence Littauer.  In it she discusses about what is believed to be 4 basic personalities in mankind. To her credit, she also wrote that she believes that just about everyone is a combination of at least two of the basic personality traits. In reading it I figured out that I was probably a combination of all 4 ! 

 No wonder as far back as pre-puberty I never felt like I "fit in" any particular group.  While I  did not have a problem with peer pressure in my teen years, I never fit into any particular group because I just wanted everyone to get along. I really dislike "cliques".  I saw the "cool-ness" in all the girls, even the ones that wanted to beat me up; and could not understand why we couldn't all just get along together. That could possibly be a good trait, but what it did for me was put me on the outskirts of every group...in other words I didn't fit in.

Knowing now that God made no mistakes when He created me and my personality, and since Romans 8:28 says that all things can work together for my good, I have chosen to allow my personality to work for the good of God's purpose. I love people and love being around them, love watching them (so if you catch me staring at you, I promise I am NOT a stalker), but at the same time I love my times of being alone and being quiet...you can learn so much in both scenarios. I love encouraging people, it just comes out and from the heart, but it has been brought to my attention that I can also say what may be perceived as harsh things to people thinking that it will somehow jolt them to what I think is correction.  Talk about Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, move over buddy the laboratory is mine!  Can God use me?  I believe so. 

I am learning (and this is what this blog is all about by the way) how to balance not only my personality, but my reactions to...life.

Sitting on the porch this morning, with the soft, spring rain coming down, the melancholy side of my personality began to feel sorry for myself.  The enemy of our souls plays a dirty game, he condemns and reminds you of all things negative. As I allowed these thoughts to marinate in my mind, depression and fear stood by to get entrance. But as I began to talk to God, pour my heart out to Him about what was troubling me and to read scriptures, peace began to come...and then I saw the birds...

Over a week ago I contracted some one to come and take down the large bushes that are trying to takeover the fence. To me they were becoming a menace, and in fall the leaves would go into my neighbors yard, who never complained, but I felt bad about that. The contractor gave me a date as to when the job would be done...which was several days ago. So when I see the bushes I feel a little frustrated that they are still there; but this morning as I watched these birds gather there to be sheltered from the rain...I knew that the bushes had been left there today for a reason. My eyes focused in on one little swallow sitting among the bush branches, finding shelter and the Holy Spirit reminded me that if God cares for this little bird enough to make sure that during this particular rainy day it would have shelter...how much more does He make sure I have shelter in the storms of life, how much more He is looking out for me, How much more is He my protector, how much more does He feels what I feel, how much more He loves and cares for me!

I am so thankful that God knows how to keep my personality in check and balance. How He is teaching me to keep looking to Him, the author and finisher of my faith. He knows me and He loves me! Wow!  Hey! and He KNOWS you too, and guess what? He LOVES you!  As you surrender all that you are to Him, He will make something beautiful of your life (sounds like a song) ;-) Allow Him to be your shelter and cover you with His unconditional, everlasting love...

"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High, will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;  he is my God, and I trust him." Psalms 91: 1-2


What a lovely post, Veronica! Thanks for the reminder! Have a great day!

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