Are we really free?

July 4th, declared a day of Independence from Britain's rule over what was to become the United States of America. Freedom from Britain's tyranny, a real reason to celebrate, especially with  all the lives that were sacrificed to attain that freedom.

I wonder sometimes if people think of the sacrifices that were made so many years ago, while they crank up the barbecue, enjoy the beach, family picnics, etc, etc.? Of course there is nothing wrong with celebration, but why do we really celebrate this holiday? To be honest I think that the farthest thing from our minds are the young
soldiers that willingly left their homes to fight in the war, or the older soldiers that left wives and children. I think that basically to us nowadays it means a day off of work, family reunions and cookouts. How do we get so far from celebrating the real meaning of the holiday?

Well on a more personal level, what about me? Have I allowed the day to day activities of life to diminish the true meaning of sacrifice? Have I allowed MY personal circumstances in life to override the great price that others have paid so that I could be a beneficiary of better living.  I think of my parents that sacrificed so that all of their children could have a better education than they did. There are so many benefits that we all have in our lives that have
come because some else LOVED us so much they were willing to go without so that we might have.They gave their all, maybe not seeing the results in their lifetime, but by faith doing it so that we could enjoy. So instead of me, and I make this personal, complaining about what I don't have, I should be celebrating what I do have. Instead of seeing all that is wrong in life, I should be rejoicing over the fact that I have so much that is right! Instead of having a pity party and inviting who so ever will listen to come, I should be thanking God for the Grace He has given me to make it in this life and inviting others to trust Him.  I should be celebrating my True freedom, my freedom in Him.

He indeed gave the ultimate sacrifice. So when we shake our fists at God in our grief and say "You don't understand how I feel!" We are so very wrong, He knows...He knows very well what it is like to not only see a loved one die, but to also see Him suffer. The men and women of the America Revolution gave their lives, sacrificed themselves so that freedom would come to their remaining loved ones and their country. God sacrificed His Son Jesus who willingly laid down His life so that anyone that accepted that gift and trust Him would have True freedom on Earth AND throughout eternity. That calls for celebration!

I think that I am speaking more to myself through this post...I am so blessed! Some things in life we don't choose...who our parents are, how we were raised, physical and some health limitations and when we lose loved ones. These things can have a major negative impact on our lives, but even though we do not choose these things, God can use them for our benefit. We must trust Him to show us how to live this life to its fullest. Only He can show us through His Word how to walk in True freedom. "If you abide in my Word you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free!"John 8:31

 He has already paid the price and greatly sacrificed so that we can succeed. We are Free in Him!  And for that we Celebrate!  "Therefore if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed."  John 8:36   
 Happy 4th of July Everyone!


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