He Lifts up my head!

Lord, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me. 
Many are they who say of me, “There is no help for him in God.” Selah
But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. Selah  Psalms 3:1-4

The beginning of this week (May 16th)  has brought the sad news of another young woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend to many, has taken her own life. My post on March 12th included the sad news about another precious, young woman, mother and friend to many, that took her own life also. That is two women, one I had met once and heard her speak so beautifully at a breakfast/meeting and the other I only know through her sibling to whom I am well acquainted and admire very much. I can only imagine what the families must be going through.  My heart is heavy for the children, the spouses, the parents, the siblings and all who were close to them. 

Two people who had lost hope and believed that this world would be a better place without them and yet...there are so many that feel this way, these are just the ones that I know about.  I weep for them because as I have shared before, I know what it feels like to have no hope, to feel that you do not matter, to be so depressed that you believe the lies that are bombarding your mind and emotions.

King David of the Bible felt that way many times. He wrote in Psalms 3 just how he felt; his enemies were trying to overtake him, people had lost all faith in him and believed that he would fail. Have you ever felt that way? I have. Downtrodden, defeated, rejected, worthless, just a few words to describe the emotions that are trying to convince you to give up.

I certainly don't have all the answers, but I do know what helped me from making a final decision to take my own life, and that is what David did...he reminded himself that God was his shield, his protector. You see no matter how low we feel, God is still there. No matter how lonely we may feel, He has not left us. No matter how worthless we may feel, He still loves us. We have that choice...believe the lies or with our last ounce of strength, with our last bit of faith (that everyone has been given) accept the Truth that we CAN live and things will get better.

The late Dr. Myles Munroe said "The graveyard is the richest place on the surface of the earth because there you will see the books that were not published, ideas that were not harnessed, songs that were not sung, and drama pieces that were never acted."  To take it on a more basic level, what about the love and nurture that the children that are left behind will miss, the smiles and hugs of encouragement that they will go without from you. The opportunities missed to help make this world a better place for not only your children, but your family and friends that love you. We are all important and have a place and purpose in this world and when we decide to leave before our time, we are greatly missed...believe that.

King David also reminds himself the it is God who lifts up his head. Depression and feelings of worthlessness will make you lower your head, if not physically, inwardly the weight of the negative emotions cause you to lower your confidence, faith and your will to go on. Please listen, God is the only one that can lift your head and give you all you need to get through and overcome the desire to take matters in your own hands.  Look up because when you look up you can see that there is a new day tomorrow, there is hope and a promise that He is with you and will never leave you.  Trust Him today, give Him a chance...give Him your problems, give Him your heart...


What a great post, Veronica! This is such a beautiful reminder.
Anonymous said…
Oh, Veronica! I'm sorry I missed this post! Very touching and so true. Even when we don't 'feel' God's presence, He's still with us. I've been there many times but still I knew He was there. This world is becoming a very scary place with all that's happened in Orlando and previously. I know we're living in the end times and we must be ready to recognize the evil. Isn't it sad that the news and nonbelievers have no problem saying things about prayer when there is a disaster but when things are going they stomp on it.
Thank you for popping in to see me and God is faithful. Too bad we don't live close to each other because I know we would be great friends! :)

Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

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