It's been a long time...

It has been a long time since I posted anything on this blog. I am still writing, but posting on Facebook. I have noticed that some of my favorite bloggers have also taken a break, I miss them, but understand. Sometimes you have to regroup and hopefully come back with new and fresh ideas.  I certainly hope this will be the case with my favorite bloggers as well because I enjoy reading them so much!

It has been a busy summer. My grandchildren and son visited in July this year, sadly daughter in law could not make it this time because of business. I always enjoy when they come! Not only do they bring so much joy, but their youthfulness encourages me to enjoy this life that God has blessed me with!  The week was filled with lots of shopping, eating out and movie watching, things that most teenagers love doing and when it was time for them to leave, I did not want to see them go.  I love telling them stories about when they were babies and toddlers, because to me it seems like it was just yesterday. I treasure those "baby" memories, but they only humor me as I tell the same stories over and over again!  LOL

It was also my first summer volunteering at a pregnancy crisis center. It was and is a joy helping those in need along with their babies. Lots of encouragement, love and hugs are needed as well as supplies for babies and children, and because of the wonderful people that donate, we are able to accommodate these precious women.  I thank God for the opportunity to be a part of this organization.

It is so hard now to believe that when I first retired a few years ago, I was concerned that I would get bored!  But now I wonder how did I ever have the time in a day to work full time!  I quickly found out that there is lots to do and take care during the day!  Of course I do get the chance to do lots of
fun things like Thrifting, Antiquing, Reading, going out to lunch and taking care of my plants etc, etc. (just some of the perks about being retired).  So basically , yes it has been a busy summer and I thank the Lord that I am able to enjoy it. I said that I would no longer add to my blue and white collection, but since I am able to shop early in the day, I get best dibs on the best bargains, so there ya go!

All in all it has been a great summer, and the season is not over. There are still plans to enjoy the Annual Parade of Lights on the Delaware River (an evening watching the boats show off their decorative lights), outside concerts and fireworks.  Hope that you have enjoyed your summer as well.

The Lord is still teaching me about myself and life. I am so grateful that He never gives up on me!  The more I get to know Him, the more He teaches me about myself and the more I am able to love others!  It is a good thing to continually grow in the Lord ! Thank You Lord!

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.
I will praise You forever,
Because You have done it;
And in the presence of Your saints
I will wait on Your name, for it is good." Psalms 52:8-9


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