He cares for you...

"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you." I Peter 5:6-7
"You don't have to carry that for me, I'll manage!" That is my typical response when someone will try to help and assist me when I am trying to carry a large package. What may seem to be self sufficiency and independence, I have found in my case to be...pride.
Over the years I have gotten so used to doing things myself and doing it in my timing of necessity, that I believed that only I can do it and get it done right. I inwardly question the ability of the one asking to assist me, after all, I've been doing this for so long now, and basically I don't trust someone else to take care of it the way I would want it...pride wouldn't you say?
But I am learning that it is such a relief to relax and receive that assistance...
When I travel, I always say that I'm not going to pack much, but I always do, so when that airport shuttle driver asks to carry my luggage, you betcha I hand it over. When I arrive at my destination airport and my son takes my baggage, you betcha I don't fight over it and when we get to the house and my precious grandson says "Meemaw, I will carry that for you" (he's such a gentleman) you betcha I hand it all over to him! And I tell you, what a relief it is to not have to carry all that baggage myself. I can relax and know that it is all being taken care of. I am learning that it is okay to release and relax...to trust and receive. May sound crazy to some but the physical response can sometimes align with the spiritual...
In life, we carry our "baggage" around for various reasons. We may have been carrying it for so long until we don't even realize it until an issue/event causes it to raise it's ugly head and it all comes tumbling out. Things that happened in our childhood and adulthood that causes dysfunction and deter us from being all that God wants us to be can become that baggage that weigh us down and keeps us from living a full life; or we think that since we have been carrying it for so long that we can not trust anyone to carry it for us, after all we have learned how to manage it all this time...and all with a smile. hmmmm
It's time, it's time to let it go. Give that baggage over to the only One that is fit and able to carry it. Jesus knows what it is like to share your burdens. When He carried the Cross and at one point fell under the burden, and when they called on Simon of Cyrene (Mark 15:21) to assist, Jesus did not refuse. His destination was to bear the sins of the World on the Cross, that was His goal, and Simon gave Him the help He needed to get there.
What are you carrying? Let the Lord help you to get to your goal. Only you know what is weighing you down and making you just barely getting through life each day. Don't let pride stop you from being all that God wants you to be. Relax, release, trust and receive. Turn that "baggage" over to Him because He cares for you. 


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