No more labor...

"Labor" means work...and it doesn't always have to be physical work you could be your mind! I have the tendency to do just that...overwork my mind. Thinking, thinking...trying to resolve things in my mind over and over, trying to think ahead, trying to understand things that are unreasonable, trying to figure out why folks do what they do, thinking, thinking...until sometimes I am pooped! I'm sure I'm not the only one guilty of that...

 My point is this...I am slowly learning that all that over time that we put in does not do us any good. When you do over time on a physical job at least you get extra pay...but when we over work our minds all we end up getting is extra headache, stress, anxiety and even anger. It's not all. 

There are many scriptures about how we are not suppose to be anxious or worry, but one of my favorites is this: "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" (Matthew 6:27 NLT) Now that is TRUTH right there, in fact, worrying, over thinking, stress and anxiety can be a hazard to your health. Dutch author and speaker Corrie ten Boom once said "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength." How true!

 So today if you are over working your mind, thinking about things that you can do absolutely nothing about, or about things that have not happened, or about things that get you upset inside and out...Let...It...GO... Let's stop laboring in our minds and with God's help learn to rest in Him. It may take some time to get into the habit, the thoughts will come, but each time, even if it is hundred times a day, gather them all up and give them to Him. Be at peace my friends.


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