It is a bad habit but sometimes when I get caught up in deep thought I have to remind myself to just...breathe...exhale. In this morning's case it was the still soft voice of Yah (God) that reminded me "Breathe" and when I exhaled, He began to pour into me so much understanding.

 You see, a few days ago while waiting at a tire center for my car, a woman who was also waiting began to pour her heart out to me about her present situation; her husband being very ill and she has the sole responsibility of his care; which is wearing very heavily on her in many ways. My compassion became overwhelming for her as I recalled how I was also a caregiver for my late husband for a long period. My heart goes out to any caregivers out is truly not easy.

I listened to her intently and eventually was able to encourage her as I shared some of my experiences and lessons. She in turn encouraged me by her tenacity, determination and resilience once she was able to talk it all me, a stranger. ☺️

This morning as I recalled that conversation, it brought back memories of the stress of those times of being a was hard; emotionally because of trying to be upbeat even when you felt like crying, spiritually because your faith was constantly being tested, and physically and mentally from lack of sleep and proper rest. It was quite a sad time and I found myself with both shoulders up and holding my was then Abba's sweet voice said "Breathe". He showed me that when we do things for others, rather we admit it or not, we expect some sort of self-gratification in the deal. In other words we can say and believe that we are doing it for the other person(s) and only want what is good for them, but as humans we STILL expect to get something out of it. It could be appreciation, a simple "Thank you" or it could be as serious as feelings of self worth and meaningfulness and purpose in life; and when we don't get any of those things, we tend to lose our joy...hope.

 Complaints of all the "hard work" being done and even bitterness may develop ...not good. That is why what we do we MUST do it unto Yah (God) not man. We must not allow what we do for others to become the summation of our self worth or our purpose in life. When we do it for HIM, then our reward will come from HIM. By the way this does not cover any form of suffering in abuse, what I am speaking of is when we have to do those things that sometimes come in life that are hard. Tolerating abuse is a no-no.

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to Yahuah (God) and not to men, knowing that from Yahuah you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus, the Messiah)". So today if you are a caregiver or navigating some hard times right now, remember that as you "do", do it for HIM and not for man. HIS reward is great and everlasting and you will never be disappointed...and remember to BREATHE. .


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