Follow the Instructions!

Something (Pet Steps for dogs to get on the bed/couch) that should have taken minutes to put together, ended up being an hour plus long, almost getting ready to send it back or pull my hair out PROJECT. WHY? and I answer this sheepishly 🐑 baa baa...I. Didn't. Completely. Read. The. Instructions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I kept trying to fit a couple of pieces where they shouldn't have gone, all the time calling the manufacturer stupid for making this dumb thing! All the while it was ME making the stupid and dumb mistake. I taught my son when he was a child never to say those words (dumb and stupid) but now they seem so appropriate)

Anyway here's my point... you know I can't leave well enough alone, but have to find a Truth lesson in it right? RIGHT!

 Proverbs Chapter 8:33-35 says... “Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from Yahuah (God).

 We do life the same as I did with the "project", we try to get through each day without "reading the instructions" first. We try to walk this life without consulting the Manual that our Creator has set before us. Who could possibly know better how to put something together than the one who made it? Yet we tend to let Him be the very last One to turn to for consultation...sometimes waiting until we have an emergency or backed into a corner with no perceivable way out. We can waste a whole lot of time trying to fit the pieces of our lives into places where they shouldn't be when we try to "fix" things ourselves. Am I right? You know it.

 So... I 've learned a lesson with my little project and hopefully by sharing my shortcomings, it will give you a nudge to begin consulting with Your Creator more read the "Manual" of instructions more often. It really helps to make your day go better and will make a big difference in your life!


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