Snuggle in...

"But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your Name may rejoice in You." Psalms 5:11

Early this morning as I sat on the back porch in the quiet as the sun began to rise, my dogs joined me. The little one shivered in the cool morning air, so I picked him up and wrapped him in my shawl. I could feel his little sigh of relief as he snuggled even deeper...he felt safe, warm and secure. We as humans want that feeling feel protected,

When my husband passed, one of the most challenging steps of grief for me, was the feeling of being unprotected, feeling lost, vulnerable, exposed to harm and danger. I felt that I had lost my covering and was left without any protection. However... the most challenging step was not the longest one to get through. Through the prayers of myself and others, and getting to know Yahuah (God) more intimately, I came to know that HE is my Protection, my Refuge, my Strong Tower. Our protection from Him is an individual plan as we trust in Him.

I've learned that I can cling to Him and He will wrap His Presence around me making me feel protected, safe and secure. During these times of the pandemic, I have seen so much fear among people. I dare not dismiss the severity of current conditions, but I also know that for those that take refuge in Him, submit to Him and Love and honor His Name, He WILL spread His protection over you, on that you can depend. Him today, snuggle up in His Arms, settle in, so that you can give a sigh of relief and assurance.


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