Bird Watchin'

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26

To quote my sister, “Birds love your backyard.” She said this on a recent visit as she looked out my second story window. I take that very seriously coming from her. After all her years of bird watching she has a “trained eye” in spotting all kinds of birds. Her backyard in Virginia is a Bird and butterfly sanctuary. She has birdfeeders all among the trees and beautiful flowers planted through out. Gorgeous!

I on the other hand have a few trees and no flowers in my backyard. But I do see some kind of berry bush out there that a cardinal visits faithfully every winter. Don’t get me wrong, I like birds but I’m not an avid bird fan (especially since those “Cat birds” chased and attacked my then small son, dog and anyone that came into our backyard that summer!) My late husband had to resort to shooting a BB gun out the window in an attempt to scare them away…it didn’t work. Those birds ruled the backyard that year!
However yesterday I was looking out back and saw the most beautiful Blue Jay sitting out there on a tree limb. He was regal looking! I did not know how large and Blue these birds are!

After seeing that spectacular sight I have decided what will be my summer project. I plan to get a couple of bird feeders for the back yard. I will forgive those ol’ mean Cat birds and think of the beautiful Blue jay and all the other birds my sister saw out of my upstairs window. I think that I will enjoy doing some bird watching. They may not be as valuable to God as I am, but He sure did put a lot of detail in their making. And if He took the time to make them beautiful, I can take the time to watch!


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