Do it for Him

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17

Sitting a the dining room table having my devotions, I began to feel a little sorry for myself as I thought, “Is this it Lord?” Is this what my life is suppose to be like?”
I am 57 years old and my exciting weekend amount to visiting the nursing home to hear my 81-year-old friend give me an update on the consistency of her bowels and how often she moves them? I began to laugh and cry at the same time, ever did that? Cry because of the pathetic-ness of it and laugh because it IS funny! I don’t mind visiting the home it’s just that it was not part of my “plans” so many years ago...

Let me go back a bit, back when I thought I was in the full fledge of life. My late husband and I had lots of “friends” and we were busy most nights of the week. We were involved in ministries that required meetings. So when were not out doing the ministry, we were in the meetings about the ministries. And weekends for me involved weddings, funerals, women’s conferences, etc, etc. I felt like I was really in the “swing of things.” Doing God’s work and loving it. I felt like I belonged to an exclusive society of people that just didn’t sit back and let life happen, but was busy doing things that made life happen (make sense?).

Now with many life changes and a little more wisdom, thanks to God, His patience and love, I see things differently now. Sometimes I still wonder why I end up going to the nursing home or why when it seems no one else cares I end up listening to the hurting person that no one has time for. To be honest, sometimes I wonder why the things that I desire but do not get, I seem to give…freely. But who said that life is fair? So even though I may feel that somehow I have been handed a raw deal, I have to trust and believe that if God knows all about it, then He will reward me in HIS way. My responsibility is to do what I do unto Him and not do it to satisfy man and that includes myself. And to give thanks of course. Even though I may say to myself “If I hear about her bowel movements one more time…” I must remember “do it for Him’

After all Jesus, came and walked among prostitutes, criminals, lepers, spent time with them. I’m sure His position in heaven was much more illustrious than how He lived on earth. He exchanged streets of gold for the dirty dusty roads of Jerusalem. He exchanged angelic choirs singing “Holy, Holy” for the cries of the sick, blind and lame calling out to Him to heal them. But most of all He exchanged His pure life for my sinful one. So how can I not “do it for Him”?


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