"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. " Psalms 51:10

With all the rain that we've had here in the past week, I would say that the earth has had a good washin'! I traveled south over the Easter break from school to visit relatives. And all down the east coast I was met with rain, in some cases torrential downpourings. Everything has a purpose, so I know that the rain is good for many things. I may not like the clouds, dark skies and muddy puddles that accompany it, but I am sure that the benefits of rain far exceed the complaints.

Sometimes our hearts need a good washin'. No matter how many years that I have submitted my life to the Lord, there are still times that I need to take the time and really look into my heart to see if there are things that should not be there. I must admit most of the time that I check I always find something that has creeped in that I know would not be pleasing to God. Whether it be unforgiveness, gossip, not showing love, or pride, these things and more, should not take root in my heart.

I ask the Lord to wash me clean so that I can stand in His presence without shame, without regret. I NEVER want to be in a state where I no longer can sense God's presence in my life. I NEVER want to lose the confidence that He is always with me. Can this happen? I believe it can. God will never change, He will always remain the same, but I believe that we can allow so many things that are not pleasing to Him to enter into our hearts that WE can feel removed from His presence.

When David , the psalmist, wrote the 51st Psalm, he was in a place of regret for the sins he had commited and his earnest desire was to have a clean heart and he goes on to ask that God not take His presence, His Holy Spirit from him. that was his greatest concern...and it is my prayer and desire as well. Give me a clean heart Lord, forgive me and may I always stay in your presence. Help me to be mindful of the price You paid for me to have a clean heart.



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