Jesus Loves me...this I know.

One of, if not THEE most profound, liberating Truth ever to be spoken.  Jesus LOVES ME...can you say it with me..."Jesus LOVES ME". It sometimes gives me goose bumps when I say that, mainly because I know the things that I've done, the things that I have said...I know the Real me...and yet there is One who knows me even better than me. He sees beyond my faults and sees my needs, He sees past the rejections, heartbrokenness, and confident façade and sees...ME and He STILL loves me, without restraint, without condition.

The little song "Jesus Loves Me", author unknown:
Jesus Loves Me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so.
Little one to Him belong,
They are weak, but He is Strong.
Yes Jesus Loves me, Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus Loves me, for the Bible tells me so.

I sang this song for the first time when I was a tot in Sunday school and today many years later it still rings true in my heart. In the midst of chaotic situations, the singing of this song still brings me peace and reminds me of the simple yet dynamic Truth that in spite of it all Jesus LOVES ME!

I have seen this simple song turn the hearts of some of the most unhappy souls. Once while preparing to sing during a prison ministry service, as I watched the inmates file in to be seated, I noticed their faces and body language. They had heard it all from folks coming in to preach at them, they knew they had sinned and disappointed their families, society...themselves. The songs that I had prepared to
sing no longer seemed fitting to share with this group of people that seemed to have no hope. When it was my turn to sing, even though we had brought in all the equipment to make each song sound as if it was being accompanied by a full orchestra, I left it off and began to sing accapella  "Jesus Loves Me This I Know."  One by one each inmate's head began to lift, their body language began to straighten and soon each and everyone was singing along with me, "Yes Jesus love me, Yes Jesus loves me."  Needless to say there were many tears and then smiles.  That little simple song changed the atmosphere of the whole service.  Many of the inmates later shared how they remembered singing that song as a child and how it reminded them of God's love for them.

The real author of that little song is not known and I think the reason why is that we can all write and add a verse to it. We can tell the many ways we know how much He loves us, how He allowed us to be born, kept us from all harm, met our needs, was always there, etc. etc.  I know that I could write a million verses!

I have sang "Jesus Loves Me , this I know" in Nursing homes where many felt discarded by their loved ones and were preparing to leave this earth; I have sang it to babies and children, who had their future before them and maybe not fully able to understand, I have sang it to teens with walls of  indifference seemingly so high and impenetrable and yes, many times to harden criminals without hope of ever having a second chance at life; and that little simple song always has the same response.  It has nothing to do with my singing skills or lack thereof...but it is the simple words of this age old song that rings true in their hearts.  Those words make you stop...listen and meditate on that fact that God LOVES us...He really matter if we can feel it...or see is so true! He loves us and there is not a thing that we can do about it, but receive it and allow Him to make us better.

"For God so loved the world , that He gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."  John 3:16


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