Act of Kindness...

"Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else." I Thessalonians 5:15

 An act of kindness towards a person has lasting effects, I know because after over 20 years, I still remember when lying on a gurney in a hospital hall waiting to have some post-op tests done after having a major brain surgery; and as I waited I shivered from being cold with only the gown and a thin sheet to cover me. The attendant had walked away for something and after a while I overheard the passing staff talk about what they were having for lunch, I felt so all alone in my state...did anyone care that I was so cold? Right after that thought, one of the passing staff returned with a blanket and covered me, saying, "You looked cold." He noticed...when I thought no one cared. I cannot remember the face, but I do remember the concern in his voice and how it touched my heart...not only for the warm blanket, but that someone cared. I was not physically able to rise and hug him but I surely would have, because to me, at that time, a simple covering of a warm blanket was life...was hope.

 I was reminded of that today because at Aerobics class we were learning a new line dance and me being a klutz (but a lovable one I guess) could not get the steps right. I was going to give up when one of the ladies near me said, "Here, follow me.", and with patience, she coached me through each step. Now some would say that's stupid, but that simple act of kindness, really blessed my heart. She did something that she did not have to do. Maybe she WAS tired of me looking like Klutzy Lucy, but I so appreciated her kindness and it made my day!

 It takes so much energy to get revenge on folks for wrong things done to us...why not use that energy to doing something good, something kind. It would have lasting results AND would make this world a better place...maybe not on a national or international level, but it sure would make it a better place around you and the folks that you come in contact with. Let's be the "warm blankets" that cover people that are hurting and need to know that someone cares, let's be the coaches that come alongside the ones that need encouragement. Do something good for someone else today and have a great day!


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