Close to the Brokenhearted

January is the month of my husband's passing, and though it has been many years (almost 16) there still is a place in my heart, a scar if you will that reminds me of his absence from this life. Needless to say this whole month brings back memories of some of his last days here and I would be lying if I did not confess that it is hard on those days when the memories are crystal clear.

 This morning actually while reminiscing, the Lord begin to intercept my thoughts about my husband and bring to mind people that I know whose hearts are broken also. Some from things in the past, others who are experiencing heart break even now. I began to go through my "mind rolodex" (I'm showing my age), what today would be my "mind contact list" and through all of the people that I know whose hearts may be broken or breaking; even to the people that I do not know personally, but through public conversation or just seeing them on the street, that impressed me that they were going through some hard times. Face after face came to mind, and what started out as reminiscing my loss, became a time of sweet commune with God for others. Isn't that just like Him? To lovingly and patiently divert my compassion to others even in the midst of my need. He gave us the perfect example when He hung on the Cross, suffering horrendously and yet He took the time to remember the thief that hung beside Him that cried out to Him in repentance.

 Many of you reading this are heartbroken, I'm not a psychic and don't want to be, its just fact, we all have had our hearts broken; whether through the loss of a loved one, rejection, deception, abandonment, all kinds of get the picture. So I say to those...The Lord is very close to you, even now when you may feel that He is no where near you and your situation...He knows...He sees...He cares and He loves you. People ofter speak of having scars as a negative, but I say that they are "healing marks". I have a few physical scars from past surgeries, accidents around the house and I even have one from when I was a kid and fell off my bike down a hill...all scars yes, but they also are proof of healing. I would be careless to make light of anyone scars and the stories behind them, but I do know this...when we turn our brokenhearts over to the Lord, the memory of the experiences may never go away, but He replaces the awful pain with His unconditional love. When we allow Him to heal our wounds and brokenness, the scars become just a reminder that we made it through and are still here. Still here to share that if we made it through the pain, others can too.

 I pray for you today my friends; Father, I come to You today in the name of Your precious Son Yeshua...Jesus, our Redeemer of not just our sins, but also the Redeemer of our broken hearts. You know what it is like to hurt both physically, mentally and spiritually and You are touched and moved by those things that affect us the same way. I ask today that You make Yourself known to my friends , right smack in the middle of their pain and suffering wherever they may be, that You heal their hearts, give them Hope and restore their Joy, like only You can do. You are ALWAYS waiting patiently for us to surrender our needs and ourselves to you. Thank You and Amen


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