To do what is good, what is right...

" him who knows what is good (right) to do and does not do it, to him it is sin." James 4:17

 I admire how the Graham family displayed the coffin of Reverend Billy Graham at the North Carolina property. It was a beautiful,simple wood coffin that had been made by a prisoner, there were very little flowers surrounding it. It is said that he called himself a "simple country preacher" and this is how his family believed that he would like to be memorialized, without the adornment of a fancy coffin and an over abundance of flowers.

This display was quite a contrast to some that I have seen. Some with gold inlaid coffins, the remains dressed in "kingly" attire, even changing the attire for the numerous "celebration" services held for these individuals...but sadly some of these left this world in the wake of unresolved scandal and division among it's followers. Along with all the outward, even glamorous memorializing of these individuals, there are still questions left unanswered and people left broken in the mystery of the individuals' legacy.

Billy Graham was not perfect and I don't believe that he ever said that he was, but to me, he lived his life simple and true to what He KNEW to be Truth, God's Word. As for me and many others there is no question to what he believed and stood for. I believe that it is when we begin to add our own opinions and personal justifications for the way we want things to be, is when we get in trouble. That is why it is important to speak Truth...

Truth can hurt sometimes, but I have found that though it may hurt for a season, if it is truth, it will stand the test of time and you will come out stronger. Do what you know is right to do, sounds simple, but it can be very challenging at times. We are humans that care about what others think of us, we want to be appreciated and admired, fun to be around; but sometimes standing for what is right will put you in direct opposition with those you want approval from.

I am sure that as well respected as Mr. Graham was and still is, he also had many enemies because of His stand for the Truth that he knew and shared publicly. We are accountable for what we know. For those of us that are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, bosses, how many times have we held children, students, employees, accountable for what we KNOW they KNOW is the correct, good, right thing to do and they choose not to?

When we don't know that is different and no good parent would punish their child for something they did not know...but if they do... God who loves more than any parent could, would not hold us accountable for what we do not know is good/right...but when we DO know and choose willfully not to do it...we ARE accountable and must repent and do what we KNOW is right.

Can you tell that this has been a lesson for me, many times if I am honest and yet...I have learned that it is far, far better to do what is the good and right thing to do than to desire man's admiration and approval. God is always cheering for us to make right and good decisions, so that we can hear what Mr. Graham heard as He entered his heavenly home "Well done, good and faithful servant..."


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