His Shelter...

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Psalms 91:1-2  

I have posted this picture of me at Laguna Beach looking out over the Pacific Ocean so many times and I know that my FB friends are sick of it and rightfully so, but it really was a milestone in my life. A pivotal time. So what do we do with milestones and pivotal times? We remember them in times when we need encouragement. Encouragement to carry on.

 I remember looking out over that vast ocean and thinking that all the things that I had experienced in the previous years, though they may have been heart breaking, devastating, eye opening and even thrown for a loop...STILL all of that could not stand against the beauty and awesomeness of God almighty! There were times back then that I felt like I was being peeled like an onion and every layer that was being revealed though it was painful and left me feeling spiritually vulnerable...deep down inside I knew that somehow it was for my good. In my limited knowledge of God's character at that time, I DID know that He is a restorer and would never disappoint me.

It was a time of the beginning of renewal, a time of beginning to take off the spirit of heaviness and replace it with a garment of praise (Isaiah 61:3) It was a time to trust that when I truly lived daily in that secret place of God Almighty and rest in Him, I would be able to have the assurance in my heart that He truly is my protector and rescuer.

 There are those today that feel vulnerable...maybe because of past or even present hurts...you may feel unprotected. Situations have come up that you were not expecting, truths have been revealed that threw you for a loop, people were not what you thought they were, you've lost your trust in the very ones you thought you could depend upon... please know this, you can trust God. We should never put such high expectations on humans, after all that is what we are...human. Put your faith in the One who created a vast ocean AND be the power that holds it back from overtaking us.

Live in His Shelter, rest in His Shadow


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