Lay Aside...

I had a humungous pine tree (at least 40 foot) cut down in my yard last week. It took a crew of 5 men, 2 trucks, lots of equipment, several hours and a whole lot of noise to bring that baby down...but it's gone now. That tree had been on this property for a long time and even though it was so large, I had actually gotten so accustomed to it. Sometimes I barely noticed that it was there. It was the kind of thing where "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it"...I mean sure it was huge and it was stable and anchored by deep roots so the chances of it falling over were pretty why cut it down? I mean... its been there for decades...right?

 Well after decades, that all changed with the 2 snow storms we recently had in this area; with the weight of the snow, those huge branches began to start dropping like flies, not only in my yard, but my neighbors too! That tree that had been there for years, appeared as if it was stable and harmless suddenly became a dangerous element to the property. Those huge limbs possibly could have fallen on me, my dogs or God forbid my neighbors children as they played outside!

You better believe that I went into quick action and found a company to have it cut down! It was hard and dangerous work and I was a nervous wreck watching them take it down. In fact I was so exhausted from watching, that I appeared to be more tired than the crew that were laughing and seemingly congratulating themselves on getting that big thing on the other hand had to take a long nap to get myself together! It's tiring to run from window to window after hearing the LOUD boom of those pieces of trunk fall and me counting the crew members to make sure no one was under those pieces of trunk! Exhausting! True! I did that. Don't judge me 🤣

 Well, with that being said, what are the things in your life that you KNOW you need to let go? Letting go or "laying aside" as the scripture says can be hard work. Most times if it is a person or persons, it can be VERY hard to do. Most times if it is a thing, sin, bad habit or attitude it can also be a hard thing to do because it has been with you so long, you've grown accustomed to it being there and hardly even notice...until it raises it ugly head just to remind you "I'm here." Letting go is a gift, by that I believe, God will give us the ability to do it, but we must receive it from Him. The ability to really let go is something that we must receive each day or even every minute that the thoughts comes to hold on to it or them. We must not wait until it becomes a danger to us or others before we lay it aside.

 I don't miss that pine tree at all. It is now gone and I've noticed that I have a better view of nature and the yard is brighter because the afternoon sun is no longer blocked. Whatever or whomever, you need to let go, trust God to do it today.


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