How to WIND DOWN !

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." Philippians 4:8 

Anticipating warmer weather, I put some of my plants on the back porch and it was good timing. It really is only a 3 season room, so when winter is over, it becomes a place to sit, read, relax and meditate.
 I am becoming the little old lady that dotes on her plants 😊 but really through the years I have learned how to take the day to day "drama" down several notches and just chill. So when I feel that the daily news becomes overwhelming, when what is going on in the world is nerve wracking I come aside, go out on the porch and "minister" to my plants. While watering, misting and trimming the leaves, I begin to think about the positive things in life. I admit sometimes it may take several minutes to refocus from the negative, but with instrumental music softly playing I soon begin to feel myself wind down and my perspective is refreshed, my hope is renewed and the peace that God promised is back.

 Your "tabernacle" doesn't have to be a back porch with plants, it can be anywhere! Someone I know sits in her swing in her backyard where she has placed many bird feeders and bird watch; another person who is fortunate to live near the ocean, goes to just sit early in the morning. Another person sits in their car for a few minutes before going in to a beloved but noisy household. You could sit in your bedroom for that matter, as long as it is a place where you can settle your heart, mind and spirit and get away from all the drama that seems to be escalating these days. I am seeing more and more people with such impatience, rage and intolerance. I believe that is what happens when we do not take the time to pull away from the negative that threatens to overtake our worlds.

Take time my friends, do yourself a big favor and pull away the best way that you can and allow yourself to meditate on things that ARE good, pure and righteous. You may say that to take time is a luxury, but aren't you worth that luxury? I assure you that you are...not only to yourself, but to others and most importantly God.

Father God, help us today to see our importance to You. Help us to realize that when we constantly feed on the negative, then we become the negative. Show us how to make time to come away and meditate on the good, so that we can become an effective instrument in Your Hands to reach those that feel they cannot rise above the negative drama that this world gives. Help us and we will be forever grateful


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