Preparing the table...

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..." Psalms 23:5

 Most of us reading this are familiar with the line in Psalms 23 about God preparing a table for us even in the presence of my enemies. I was so used to reciting that Psalm automatically, I confess that I never took the time to study what that passage meant...

Until I was preparing a table for my luncheon guests recently. I wanted it not to just be a time to eat,
but a time of fellowship; a time of sharing with each other from our hearts. I wanted it to be peaceful, relaxing and permeating with God's presence. I wanted them to feel welcomed and appreciated... God loves us so much that even in the presence of our "enemies", our trials, struggles and difficulties that are raging war against us, He wants us to feel welcomed to come and sit at His table and fellowship with feel free to share from our hearts, to feel at peace with Him and to relax in His Presence.

Today, if you are in a place of difficulty of whatever it may be, know that not only will He be your Shepherd leading you through the journey, but He has also set a table for you so that even in the midst of trouble, you can kick back with Him and feel welcomed to be at rest and peace.


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