Light of the world...

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16

 A few years ago when I saw these vintage wall sconces at a small yard sale, I was delighted. The metal leaves and glass candle holders was just the touch I wanted to add to a room for soft light at night. Light... no matter how softly it may glow, can be very comforting. The Bible says that for those that have submitted their lives to God, we are the light of the world. That we should not hide that
light; that we should allow that light to shine, so that people in this dark world will see and turn to Him.

 I often ask myself "Have I been a light today?" I confess that there have been times that I've blown it...was rude to uncaring customer service, short patience with someone being unprofessional, insensitive when I should have taken a closer look, quick to speak and slow to listen, etc. you get my drift. Someone is always watching and though that does not mean that we should be paranoid and chronic people pleasers; but it is so important that we are good stewards of the grace and responsibility given us in this world.

  A good friend of mine says "There is a difference between nice and kindness." So true...being nice is all about making yourself look good, but being kind comes from within, it 's not about you, but it's about doing good for and to others from the heart. Being a "light" is telling people about God's Word and salvation, but it is also about BEING the example of genuine kindness that will direct others to Christ. We shouldn't just talk the talk, but walk the walk. When the room is dark, and these old sconces are turned on, even the small, soft light that emanates from them get my attention and I enjoy the glow and the comfort it brings.

 Today let US be a light that gets the attention of those around us that are seeking an answer, that are seeking hope. Let our light shine to bring comfort and joy so that those around us will see God in us and turn to Him.


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