His Yoke is easy...

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matthew 11:28-29

 "A yoke is a wooden beam normally used between a pair of oxen or other animals to enable them to pull together on a load when working in pairs." -Wikipedia

 As I sat down with a sigh this morning, I felt in my heart the Lord saying "Give me your burdens". At first I was like, "but I really don't have any, I'm tired from working in the yard right now but other than that"...then a light went on...oh yes! I do have burdens. Things that I want to see get better, people with situations that I want to see corrected and solved, things in my life that I want to change but have to wait on the timing of God. I am sure that you could add your own to that list. These things can become "burdens" because we, well in this case "I" am trying to carry them my self.

Funny true story, years ago some family members had moved to the West Coast. Their plans were well laid out, but at the last minute things went wrong and when they got to the place where they were to stay, it was not ready for them because of bad communication. So with the 3 hour time difference I received a call from them with the news after midnight and it woke me out of a sound sleep. Needless to say, I was very concerned and worried about all involved. We prayed and they promised that they could return to the extended stay hotel that they had just left and things would work out. However...after hanging up the phone, I was so overcome with the burden that I had a visual of me like the Atlas man with the whole world balanced on his shoulders, trying to fit my family members, their moving truck with all their belongings and their vehicle all on my back! The vision looked so ridiculous I went from fretting and tears to laughing and tears! Here I was about 1 AM in my bedroom cracking up laughing with tears running down my face! It went from heavy duty worry and burden to laughing at the absurdity of it all. In case you don't know it, God has a sense of humor, no I change that, He not only has the sense, He gave it to us, and it feels so good to laugh at yourself sometimes :-)

When we allow the Lord to share our burdens, the situations may not change or go away, but it becomes so much easier to bear. In the case of the oxen, if they could speak, I am sure they would tell us that their "load" is so much better to carry when there are two of them. How do you give your burdens to God?, Simply tell Him...even if you have to do it a hundred times a day when the thoughts come..."Here you go Lord, I can't carry this, will You please help me." It works, if you have a relationship with Him, it works. Trust me...no, no better yet trust Him.

Are you carrying burdens today? Is it almost unbearable sometime? Accept the offer of the Lord, allow Him to help you on this journey. His yoke is so much easier and you will receive rest for your soul.


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