Get Wisdom...

Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

 Yesterday was the perfect day to sit out on the back porch with a cup of Apple Cinnamon Spice tea that I picked up at Big Lots and it is DELICIOUS by the way (commercial) lol The cool pre-Autumn breeze and the softly falling rain made it just the right atmosphere to sit from the busy and take a gander at life. (Does anyone still say "take a gander"? , interpretation: "Take a look") πŸ€“

 For just a few minutes as I sipped my tea, in a Fall themed cup (Summer lovers don't hate, I'm trying to hold back as best I can but pumpkins and colorful leaves keep leaking out 🍁🍁🍁🍁 SEE whadda I tell ya !) 🀣 Anyway... I thought about what's really important and I came up with "Getting wisdom". King Solomon of the Bible knew this secret, when asked in a dream what did he want, he requested wisdom and understanding in discerning justice, because he knew that if he had those 2 things, they would encompass the totality of answers to life. God was pleased that though Solomon could have asked for anything, he chose Wisdom. (I Kings 3:1-15)

 Some of the words in the dictionary that describe wisdom are "Insight", "Judgement", "Knowledge" and " the ability to discern issues and relationships." Sure sounds like something I want! In fact, can I get a double portion please (hand raised πŸ™‹πŸΎ‍♀️

 So here's the question...why don't we ask God for more wisdom instead of trying to rely on our own abilities? I mean let's face it, we all, well I'll speak for myself...I.sometimes am a "Know it All" and instead of waiting for God to give me the WISE thing to do, I just jump right in and try to take care of it myself! Yep I've done that, when really all it takes is to just take some time, ask God for WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING in the matter; and most times the solution is totally opposite of what I initially intended to do.

 So basically... (those are the words of my then 2 year old granddaughter when she was explaining why she was in trouble, in fact she would draw the words out like this) "Sooooo Baaaasicalllyyyy" ...we need to ask God for more wisdom. Let me make that personal...I need to get more wisdom, in fact we can never have enough. It makes life so much easier. Let's stop trying to always take matters in our own hands while dealing with only a minimal amount of wisdom and understanding. Let's go for the gold and ask like King Solomon did and have God's answers to life.


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