Sunday afternoon thoughts...

Afternoon coffee (decaf as always) on the back porch...

 "Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits..." Psalms 103:1-2

 GRATEFUL = A. appreciative of benefits received B : expressing gratitude (Merriam-Webster dictionary)

 I am truly grateful how the Lord has kept me all these years. I would have given up a very long time ago, but He has been so faithful to keep me going forward.

 I remember reading a book by a widow many years ago and the most important thing that she could have written were these simple words "You will not always feel this way." The words leaped off the page and into my heavy heart and I could almost feel it becoming lighter.

 The grieving process is a long journey, but the important thing is that somehow, some way... God gradually exchanges the bruised and broken heart for a newer stronger one.

 You will never be the same after a loss, whether it be through death, divorce, loss of a relationship or even a good job, BUT if you allow God to escort you through the process, you will come out better, wiser, stronger.

 When the wounds of brokenness are fresh, it is so hard to believe that you will feel any other way; but just as it is with a fresh wound on your body, the pain can be unbearable for a time, but gradually the healing comes and one day there is a scab, then the scab falls off. A scar may remain , but it is only a reminder of what remember the pain but it is no longer physically there.

 We will always remember our losses...but the choice is ours...will we allow our losses to keep us from going forward, or will we be GRATEFUL for having come through the pain, the fire, the brokenness in to a new day to celebrate God's faithfulness? The choice is ours.


The scripture from psalms is one of my favourites, I had it on my wall for a long time when I was a new Christian just to remind me to 'bless the Lord, oh my soul'.

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