Stop the Nonsense!

Sad to say...the way I see how some of these "ministries" are going, there is cause for alarm. I usually don't post on subjects like politics and "religion" because I know that it can get some people's goat a'goin' and this forum is not for debating purposes I believe and I don't have the time, so I usually stick to MY experiences...sort of safe that way :-D So consider this post to be about MY experience ok?

 It grieves me deeply to see how some ministries have turned from their Biblical purpose and instead have made it into a Business. They appear to have the same organizational setup as the successful "pyramid" type businesses that are so popular.

 To appears to be all about success being accomplished by the number of attendees, the size of the buildings, and the entertainment atmosphere created during the worship. Some go as far as to have personal stylists for their leaders, thinking they should be fashion conscience and trendy in order to "relate" to the people. God help us! Before I go on, let me make this clear...I am not bitter...I am not writing this with "church hurt". I am healed, I am whole, but I am TICKED at what I see going on in some so called churches and ministries. I just read where one "ministry" was having an event to honor their leader and the leader commented to a "celebrity" attendee that "This event is suppose to be about ME, you're not suppose to be looking better than I do." This may have been said in jest, but has it really gotten that far? When did looks start to matter instead of the example you set for the people?

At this point I believe that it is out of control and will take a mighty move of God on the hearts of man to turn this tom foolery around. But man has to first be WILLING to change. Micah 6:8 says we are to "do justice, love kindness and WALK HUMBLY.." before God. To do what is RIGHT in the sight of God according to His Word, to be KIND instead of just going about the Business of ministry and to be HUMBLE instead of haughty and prideful. THAT is what is good before our God... That is what is good for the people that are desperately searching for the Truth and the Love of God here on the earth.

 I don't consider this a rant, but a cry from my heart for us to get it right. It is time to put away the nonsense, repent from the prideful, deceitful, competitive spirits that are controlling and turn to God the author and finisher of our True faith. He will lead us into ALL Truth, He will show us the error of our ways, He alone is to be worshipped, not man...

Father God, I come to you this morning with a heavy heart for what I see going on in the church world, we have become followers of man instead of followers of You. Help the leaders to see this error and to turn away from allowing the sheep to follow them instead of leading them to You! Expose the evil, reveal the pride and sin, wash us clean so that we can be about YOUR calling and purpose instead of our own personal agendas! Forgive us, cleanse us from unrighteousness and in your mercy give us another opportunity to get this right in Your eyes! Help us to "see" with Your eyes and to feel with Your heart and to put aside our wicked us before it is too late...


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