Sing a New Song...

Psalms 96 says: Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.

 You may say "Well I don't have a singing voice." OR "Guess what, I don't feel like singing right now." Well, that may be true, but think on this...some of the most powerful, memorable and life changing songs have been written out of the most tragic situations. Popular "love" songs, gospel songs, country songs and really many genres of music have been written through and from tragedy, heart break and life's trials...and yet THOSE are the songs that though they sometimes may bring tears, when we've listened we feel encouraged afterwards. Some of the most soul moving songs (Negro spirituals) were written during the times of slavery in this country by the slaves or former slaves themselves and yet they give hope! How can this be?

God has given each of us the ability to express ourselves and whether we can "carry a tune" or not, we can give Him praise. I've seen the deaf sign a song and the effect on the audience was the same as if the person had the voice of Pavarotti. The familiar song "Amazing Grace" , no matter how many times you hear it or what language it is vocalized in, it still brings tears of joy and hope to those that hear it. It is an old song yes...but it is "new" each time we sing it with a heart of gratitude to the One that extends His Amazing Grace to us.

So today, what ever you may be going through, sing a "new" song to Him. Your voice may be scratchy and you may not be able to reach each note, but if it is coming from your heart, trust me, God understands every word and delights in each note that is offered to Him in gratitude. He is your audience of One and your platform is your faith that He hears you, whether you sing out loud or from your heart.


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