Lean not...

"Trust in El-Yahuah (God) with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs (Mishlei) 3:5-6

To my friends on FB, there are many, many things that I don't understand, and to be honest many of those things I am constantly working on...they bother me still. It is at those times this scripture is brought to mind. When the things that I do not understand; why that had to happen, why couldn't it have been different... why me...why them?...when those things begin to get to me and I am troubled, sad, brokenhearted...then it means that I am "leaning" on my own understanding and not Him; it means that I am not acknowledging Him in ALL my ways, but instead I am acknowledging my own intellect and strength. Yahuah (God) cannot lead me out of my darkness and frustration until I acknowledge in my heart and mind that He is the Great I AM, and knows ALL... Every reason, every answer, every person, all wisdom.

We can do one of two things: Stay in the position of acknowledging OUR intellect and strength OR acknowledge HIS awesome, grand, omnipotent, omniscient, everlasting wisdom; Whose ways are so much higher than ours. I say that there is no comparison. Isaiah (Yesha'Yahu) 55:9 We can beat ourselves up mentally trying to make sense of something that we may THINK we know all the facts or we can release it to the ONE Who DOES have all the facts and allow Him to direct our paths...allow Him to direct us out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.

Abba Father, we thank you today by faith that You DO have all the answers and though we may never understand on this earth some things , we trust that "Father really DOES know best". You have proven your love by Your great sacrifice, now help us to sacrifice our thoughts and trials of trying to make sense of things that we do not understand...we lay it at your feet...


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