Submitting to the process

This morning I looked down that long row of shrubs that needed to be trimmed and thought “How in the world am I going to get through THIS?” About 2 shrubs into the job and many more to go I considered jumping ahead , but then I would still have to come back and finish the ones left undone; I even thought about working from the end backwards, but once again in order to complete the job, I would STILL have to trim the rest. Eventually I submitted to the task of completely trimming one shrub at a time and finally looked at the finished work with satisfaction of a job well done.

 In this life Mishpacha, we also have to “submit to the process”. There are many scriptures that tell us that Yah has a plan for us, like Psalms 32:8 “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” and yet instead of trusting Him in the process of our journey we sometimes choose to do it our way. When we think that Yah is not answering our prayers fast enough or moving on our behalf fast enough, we take things in our own hands, instead of waiting on Him to answer in His own wisdom and timing. We jump ahead to our desired outcome, not realizing that all that is in between where you are and the finished product STILL has to be processed.

I know that most of us have heard stories of people that got married after waiting for a time, only to find out that the person they thought was the once in a lifetime Mr. or Ms. Right, ended up being the mate from Hades. How about the person that may have been wronged in some way and instead of waiting on Yah to take care of it, they decide to handle it themselves only to have their desired outcome turn into their worst nightmare. What I’m basically saying is that in this awakening of who we are, having the knowledge is great, but having a solid relationship with Yashuah HaMashiach and submitting ourselves to the process of becoming all that He wants us to be is just as important. We can’t just talk the talk, we HAVE to walk the walk; and that includes learning how to wait on Him and discerning when it is HIS timing instead of forging ahead to do what we think we are entitled to do.

 Someone shared several scriptures with me that they interpreted as how Yah says He will repay all the things that were stolen from her by her family. She implied that as a daughter of Zion, Yah was obligated to repay her…but it was clear that she has not forgiven the ones that trespassed against her. I replied that Yah is not obligated to give her the desired outcome when she has not obeyed His command (Matthew 6:15). She has not submitted to the process, the process of becoming the vessel that Yah wants us to be in order to enter into His kingdom. Yes, answered prayer and temporary needs being met is important , but Yah Who has a plan for us, wants permanent,eternal change in our lives. Hard to hear but true.

 I’ll admit that it is hard to not rush ahead sometimes, but I’m truly working on submitting to the process and allowing it to become Yah’s outcome, not mine. We must have discernment,patience and faith in the One True Elohim that has awakened us:

 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with PATIENCE the race that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1

 “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Yashuah HaMashiach.” Philippian1:6


It is so easy to want to rush ahead of the Lord and 'help'. A good post, it's always good to be reminded to wait on the Lord :)

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