
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you." Isaiah 49:15

 I was just outside watering my garden and as the hot scorching sun beamed down on my neck and back it became increasingly uncomfortable. I began to think about my ancestors that worked in the cotton and tobacco fields from sun up tp sun down in the scorching heat of the south. I immediately felt guilty for being such a wimp when they had endured a thousand times worst. My people did this for hundreds of years and while some may say "Well that was then...".

 I can still remember even as a small child in the Jim Crow south accompanying my family members to the fields, where I sat on a blanket and watched them pick cotton and "put in" tobacco to get extra money for school and other supplies. They worked for mere coins and though they were not in the fields from sun up to sundown like our ancestors and were "paid", still they were oppressed by every meaning of the word. My family was blessed in that both my parents were able to stand strong and provide necessities like food, a home and education for the family, so some will say "Well see, you came out of it alright, why look back?" I remember because not only my parents but all of my ancestors paid a heavy. heavy price. A price so high that people can't or don't want to hear about it. Atrocities and experiences of not only my ancestors, but even as current as my immediate family and myself, but I do not seek pity, I do not desire an apology, I only pray for justice. We are beyond having sit down talks and discussions on racial reconciliation, that has been done for decades and there is still no change. True change only comes from the heart.

 I can not judge anyone's heart, but Yah (God) can. What we see happening in the media is the exposure of man's hearts, what's in there is coming out. It is Yah's (God's) doing. In His mercy, He has given each of us a time to get it right...now it's His time and He does not forget.There are other peoples and nations that have been through oppression, but my race is the only race that has been told to "Forget about it, that was the past." and that is highly offensive because those same people would NEVER tell someone of Jewish descent to forget the Holocaust, "...that was the past." It would not only be highly offensive, but you would not get away with it, trust me...and yet my people and myself personally have been told that over and over again.

I am not angry, but this is the season when what was upside down is being turned right side up; yes, there is shifting and unrest and I've heard many say "This feels different, things are not the same", but Yah (God) has a plan. Our hearts must be clean before Him, transparent, honest and opened to receive and obey His leading. #Neverforget


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