I believe that you've noticed that the atmosphere of this country has changed. It seems that tolerance and tempers have been shortened, anger that at one time laid dormant has sprung to life. I was in a grocery store yesterday and a person lost complete control and was so unreasonably rude to the cashiers that security had to be called in.
The wearing of masks and the 6ft. apart policy designed for our health safety has added fuel to the demise of any societal unity or cordiality we may have experienced in the past. We can no longer see expressions, so we avoid eye contact; so even if you smile at someone they cannot see it so they turn away and it can be interpreted as a brush off. Let me be clear, this is not a soapbox stand against wearing masks but it is an observance of how things are changing so rapidly in this world and I don' t believe that it will ever be the same...which leads to this...
For people that are putting their trust in whomever wins this next presidential election, I say you may be sorely disappointed. I am not a "Debbie Downer" nor a "Mistress of Doom", what I'm saying is what I have observed, read and heard from the people themselves. If our hope is in a man, then we are setting ourselves up for great delusion. No "man" has all the answers and solutions and while I know that from history Yah (God) HAS used men and women to bring about HIS plans...we are now in a different dispensation of time. Now it is in HIS HANDS, the steering wheel has been removed from us and now HE is in total control.
Time and time again we have been given the opportunity to set things right but instead many in leadership have chosen to do things their way. When we called for a leader, Yah (God) gave us what we wanted, when we chose to put aside Yah's (God's) law He did not force us for He that has given us free will would NEVER force us to follow Him. When our eyes ceased to focus on Him, things began to slowly go here we are...
Here is my point and I humbly say this, realize that what we see going on today is not a result of Yah (God) not caring or has somehow forgotten us, no, this is a culmination of what we have brought on ourselves. I always say that Yah (God) gets blamed for a whole lot of stuff that was and is not His doing, remember He gave us a free will. but here's the remarkable thing, He is STILL watching over us, His Love has not changed. He's waiting for us to realize that this Earth and those in it are HIS. As the saying of some mothers goes when they are upset with their children "I brought you in this world, I can take you out!" , We have to come to our senses that Yah (God) can "take us out" any time He wants, but in His awesome mercy, He is giving us an opportunity to realize that our trust must be in HIM ALONE and no other.
Turn to HIM, then trust Him that He will lead and guide you in the days to come...
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