The Model...

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed (reverenced) be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts (sins), as we forgive our debtors. and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matthew 6:9-13

 Most of us have learned this prayer at a very young and tender age; and it comes easily to remembrance when asked to repeat it at an event, but have we really taken the time to explore its meaning? When you read the whole chapter, this prayer that has been made into a statement recitation or chant if you will , is the answer to the disciples' request of Yissa'Yah (Jesus/Yashua), "Teach us HOW to pray". He precedes to give them the basics or a template of how to communicate with the Father. We call it "The Lord's Prayer" when really it should be "Our Model Prayer," but somehow it has become THEE absolute prayer for some. Some even think that if you say this prayer a certain number of times it will "Get ya in". I don't believe Yah (God) has a point system like that, because if He did a lot of us would be in trouble, including me. What Yissa'Yah (Jesus) was saying was this is HOW you pray not WHAT you repeat over and over out of habit or as a staple when there's trouble. What Yah (God) wants from us is relationship and communication. He of course looks at the heart, but I am sure that He would also LOVE to hear about the other stuff in our lives, our concerns, our fears, even our joy and accomplishments, you know, things you would say to a GOOD father. He desires to communicate with us, He wants to hear our hearts and He wants us to "hear" His.

 In "The Lord's Prayer" Yissa'Yah (Jesus) established that you first acknowledge WHO Yah (God) is to YOU and that you submit to His will; secondly, you acknowledge that HE is the provider of all sustenance and request it from Him; third, you ask Him to forgive your sins and the sins of those that have offended us in some way, fourth, you ask that He deter you from any thing that is not good for us and for His protection from all harm and danger by the enemy of our soul and then lastly, you acknowledge that ALL belongs to Him and we give Him all praise and glory. I'd say Yissa'Yah (Jesus) covered it really well don't you think? NOW we must use that "model" to develop our relationship with the Father. Be real when you talk to Him, He's never surprised by anything that we say and He really does know our motives and the intent of our hearts. He knows when we are honestly and earnestly seeking Him and His help or if we are merely repeating something that was taught to us as a child.

The days ahead are going to get really rocky, I have heard some say it will come sooner than we think. There is no need to fear UNLESS, you have not developed and maintained a close relationship with Yah (God) and received His Son, Yissa'Yah as your Savior/Messiah/Redeemer as the sacrifice for your sins. PERiOD. Better to be safe than sorry...we've been given the "model" prayer, so we are without excuse. Here is an unwarranted tip: Use the "model" and ad-lib with your heart...He hears, He knows, He sees, He is waiting for you...


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