Time to Let Go...

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." Hebrews 12:1
"You don't need that router anymore Ma," my son said to me as he was checking out my new alarm system and WIFI. My response was "I want it to stay for sentimental reasons, you installed it years ago and I want it to stay." He laughed, and I'm sure chalked it off as me being over the top when it comes to "warm and cozy" about everything, but later it caused me to do some serious thinking.
When I had my new alarm system installed the technician informed me that I no longer needed the old router, because unless my settings on all my electronics were in sync with ONE router, they would not work properly. Whenever I turned on my laptop it would continuously bounce back to the old router by default, causing my other electronics to stall. I would have to change the router manually each time to get everything else to working...all because I did not want to let the old router go...
I hope that you are following me with this, Yah (God speaks to me in everyday scenarios) its so simple and clear to me what I needed to do...and yet...I was holding on to something that was obviously making life more complicated and all I had to do was to simply LET. IT. GO. I held on to the old router because to me it held comfort, I KNEW that it worked for me before; I held on it because it represented security and sentimentally it reminded me of my son's reaction to my need at the time..
This morning, I made a choice, its sounds so pathetic as I write this because it was just a matter of unplugging and removing a piece of equipment, but to me it was an "exhaling" moment. I had made a decision to let go of what was once helpful, secure and comforting, but was no longer needed for this part of my journey...
I know that you know where I am going with this. There are people and things in our lives that have been a blessing to us, a comfort to us, supplied a need and encouragement. The people or things are not necessarily bad for you, but you've reached a point in your journey that it/they are no longer needed to take you to the next level. It is never easy to let go, but positively necessary. By holding on, it causes you not to be in sync with what Yah (God) is working in your life, by holding on it causes other areas of your life to stall, be on indefinite hold or not function properly and when ever you try to move forward you bounce backwards to the old way of handling and doing things. It's time to let go.
No one has to tell you who or what those people or things are...you know and there is no better time than now. The "witnesses" that have gone before us are cheering us on the sidelines to make that move because they have already traveled this road and know what it takes to run this race successfully.
So...let today be the day to lay aside those people and things that have been a blessing at one time and with gratitude go forward, wiser, stronger and lighter on this road of life.
Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature
Veronica Byrd Brayboy


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