Growing up!

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen." II Peter 3:18

From the looks of me I need to do a LOT of growing to catch up with these two young men (grandson on the right, family friend on the left, taken Thanksgiving 2 years ago)...and I believe they are STILL growing!
During a physical exam, when the nurse told me my height, I totally denied it. Surely she must be mistaken, I used to be several inches taller than that...then I finally figured out that the inches lost in my height, must have gone to my width! 😲 Let's face it, at this age I am not getting any taller, the growing process subsided ions ago. But the good news is that I am still growing and I don't mean my girth (I can "hear " the wise cracks) lol. I am still growing in grace and knowledge, YAAAAY God! That's not being braggadocios, it's just what comes as you learn to seek and serve the Lord and it's free!
After retiring , one of the biggest things I had to overcome was the answer to the question, "Now what do I do, what is my purpose?" Whenever there is a major change in your life, whether a job change, loss of a spouse, aging or even moving to a new residence, that question may pop up. The Lord helped me to answer that question by reminding me that as long as I have a teach-able mindset, there will always be room to Him. Ever see someone that thinks they know it all and you know that they don't after listening to their excruciatingly, embarrassing conversation? Well I don't want to be like that, though I'm sure I have been called a "know-it-all" at some time in my years. ;-) The point is, no matter how educated, informed or even how old you may be, there is ALWAYS room to grow.
In the scripture reference above, the letter written to Peter, was advising him that no matter what or how things were going on around him, and if it appeared that God's timing in keeping His promises was not happening fast enough...just keep seeking to be more like Christ, remember and walk in His teachings, to do what is right in God's eyes, to keep learning His ways through His keep on, keeping on. Now I am sure that Peter did not hit it every time, but I believe that was his goal, as it is mine.

I'm not the same person I was many years ago, matter of fact I'm not the same person I was 3 years ago, 1 year ago and even a couple of months ago. By the grace and mercy of God I pray that I will forever be learning more and more about Him, and to Him be all glory both now and forever <3 span="">


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